Creamino® – the third evolution in feed nutrition. Creatine plays an essential role in energy metabolism on a cellular level. Creamino® is the direct pre-cursor to creatine; the battery pack of the cell. Improving growth, health, and reproductive performance for broiler chickens and turkeys.
The active ingredient in Creamino® is guanidinoacetic acid (GAA). GAA is endogenously produced from amino acids arginine and glycine. GAA’s only physiological role is to produce creatine. Creatine is an essential biomolecule for the proper function of energy transfer and supply. Therefore, creatine is essential in tissues with high energy demands, such as skeletal muscle, heart, brain, and immune cells.
Creamino® is a unique source of creatine and reliefs the body from the burden of endogenous creatine synthesis. Creamino® can increase muscle creatine levels by approximately 20 – 30%, therefore maximal performance benefits are achieved from adding Creamino® on the top of a standard diet.
Feeding recommendations:
The effective dose range of Creamino® is 600 g – 1200 g per metric ton of complete feed.
This product may cause respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate respiratory protective equipment must be worn during handling. Store in the original packaging in a dry place at ambient temperature.
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