Whether you have a suggestion, a question, or simply want to say hello, we’re here. Our dealer list below is updated regularly, but if you don’t see one near you, contact us and we’ll get it sorted. Select a Role Senior Management Farm Owner Nutritionist Veterinarian Consultant Buyer Operations Farm Manager Sales Representative Other SUBMIT Lucknow Office - Headquarters 457 Campbell Street Lucknow, ON Canada N0G 2H0 Phone - 519.528.5822 Toll Free - 1.888.822.3135 California Office 3333 Michelson Dr, STE 300 Irvine, CA USA 92660 Phone - 1.888.822.3135 Find a Dealer Near You Your LocationProductsAVIPLUS® PCREAMINO®ZINCORET® SAX3 DIGEST®AVIPLUS® SX-ZELIT®STALOSAN® FSTALOSAN® DRYDIALYT® EXPRESSBIOPECT®Search Radius 10205070100250500Results10255075100200500Search PRODUCT DEALERS